Servant And Leadership Training
SALT (Servant And Leadership Training) is the counselor-in- training program for boys at Camp Hemlock. This experiential learning leadership program is designed primarily for young men who are 15+ years old by July 1. SALT is for young men who aspire to leadership for Christ. It is a physically, mentally, and spiritually challenging program that incorporates intense camping experiences and leadership skill development. Successful completion is a prerequisite for serving on staff. The requirements for admission to the SALT program are:
A personal relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ.
- A desire to grow in Christ and serve Him, i.e., be “the salt of the earth.” Matthew 5:13.
- 15 years old by July 1.
- A successful interview with Camp Board representatives.
- Two completed reference forms.
- Completion of the CSB Battalion ‘Explorer’ rank in the Adventure Trails book before arrival. Please contact us at if you are not in a CSB Battalion program to obtain a copy of Adventure Trails.
Why the firm July 1 age cut-off?
To be on boys junior staff the following year, your son must be 16 years old. Extending the cut-off date would mean that he would be too young to be on staff.
We Are Conducting Our Application Process Online
We have built a Google Form that will facilitate the collection of the important information required for the application process. The application process asks several lengthy questions that require thought (a list is provided below). Please review the questions prior to starting the application to allow for you to be prepared beforehand. The application is located under the About tab, and Volunteer and Staff Info.
Scholarship applications are available during the registration process.
Contact for additional information.
Application Questions
Describe your role and involvement in your church and Battalion.
Are you a born-again Christian and for how long?
How do you know you are a born-again Christian?
What is your daily commitment to Jesus Christ?
How can your daily commitment to Jesus Christ be expressed in a camp setting?
Why do you want to serve at Camp Hemlock?